Yes, I noted that well-used OSS projects is the exception below, but I didn't add that to the OSS section. Let me see how I can fix that as those sections are a bit disconnected.
Because I am the only exception I am aware of since I worked on Koa and Express, I always look at people's open source contributions if they list it on their resume. I have yet to see a candidate with experience working on a well-used open source project - most are bootcamp projects that have more contributors than users. Generally, the candidates who contribute to well-used open source projects don't apply - you recruit them.
But "professional experience" is a separate concern than "passion and skill". Open source projects do demonstrate passion and skill, but the point of this section is to help hiring managers discern whether a listed experience is professional or not. If the candidate put their open source projects outside of an "experience" section, then this section is not applicable.